Oct 2023: Barcelona

This post is all about Barcelona, one of my favorite European cities. I’m in love with the architecture, the hidden bats & dragons, it seaside location & maybe most of all, the food! Holy toledo - the food scene is fabulous with its outdoor plaza seating (great for people watching), fresh ingredients and delicious drinks to wash it all down. I was so excited to revisit Barcelona with my Dad this year so he could get a taste of this vibrant city. Here’s the High Five download from our trip…

1.Churros (& Donuts)

Sugary. Fried. Dough. Yes please! Oh, and you want to give me a cup of hot chocolate to dip it in? Well now I’m in heaven. Give me all the CHURROS!
There are no shortage of churro shops in Barcelona. Want them with filling? Head to Churreria San Roman. Want churros after exploring Sagrada Familia? There’s a Xuerreria right there! Want to mix it up and get a donut instead? Sure – go to Boldu, complete with their smiley face donuts that will make your mouth happy.

I made this little map highlighting a handful of shops where you can find these sweet treats, but be sure to ask a local for their favorite shop!

2. Strolling through the Old City

Barcelona is a treat if you’re into the visual arts. A walk just about anywhere in the city will include ornate fountains, cool sculptures or even signs with hidden dragons. One of my favorite places to soak in design is the Gothic Quarter. There’s something about the tiled walk art, cobblestone streets and hidden churches and shops that I really dig. Its a bit of a maze so when you get a been fatigued, take refuge in a plaza cafe & grab a sangria. A local will surely be happy to help you find your way from there!

3. Las Meninas

Museu Picasso charmed me with its 15th century, palace buildings and its wide collection of art. There are photos, sculptures and paintings galore to get your acquainted with Picasso’s life and art. The Las Meninas series drew me in with his many renditions of Velázquez's original. This one with its simple shapes & googly-eyed stare continues to bring a smile to my face.

4. Sunset at Sagrada Familia

This crazy cathedral, which towers over Barcelona, is almost finished after 140+ years in the making. Every nook and cranny seems to have Antoni Gaudi’s design on it & the windows are no exception. We got to visit in late afternoon & it was such a treat. Sunbeams danced through the glass creating an amazing light show inside, which just added to my awe during our visit.

5. My pops at Berbena

We had a lot of lovely meals in Barcelona, but the best by far was at Barbena. This intimate, Michelin-ranked restaurant in Gracia not only had delicious food, but the team was gracious and warm - making us feel like we were part of their family. My dad was so charmed (and charming), he got a pic in the kitchen with the chef & sous chef. The smile on his face says it all & it was an experience I’ll never forget.


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